Loose your weight

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I am 6"2 270 pounds, i am 16 and i went to a "weight" doctor (i don't know what they are actually called), but he said to get me down to 220, which is my lowest possible weight without having to reduce muscle mass, i would have to have: 1 fruit seving a day( 1 apple etc.NOT ANY FRUIT JUICES LIKE APPLE JUICE), 250 calorie meals 3 times a day (those low calorie, no trans-fat microwave dinners are good to use as well as soups like chicken noodle soup.) DO NOT EAT MASHED POTATOES, CABBAGE, CARROTS OR CORN UNLESS THEY ARE IN THE MICROWAVABLE MEALS OR THE SOUPS. for a snack you can eat a granola bar. and last but certainly not the least inportant piece of info., walk for 30 mins a day( i would recommend about an hour with slight 2 min jogs in between). IF YOU DO THIS FOR ABOUT 6 MONTHS YOU SHOULD BE UNDER 280 OR EVEN LOWER, JUST DON'T STRAY.